From the Add-ins dialog, check the box for Solver Add-in.Select Excel Add-ins from the drop-down list.Look down to the bottom right side for a field called Manage:.In the Excel Options dialog, click Add-ins from the left menu.I’m not sure the reasoning, but Solver in Excel isn’t installed by default. However, there are more complex methods using linear programming solutions. I also kept the default Solving Method of GRG Nonlinear. If you look under the Subject to the Constraints: section, you’ll see I’m telling Excel to keep the total vote count at 7008. This is done by clicking the Add button on the lower right side. The last item I defined was my constraint. Again, I clicked in the By Changing Variable Cells: field and then highlighted cells C21:C22. Now that we’ve told Excel our objective is to get 66.7% of the YES votes, I need to define my variables and which cells can be changed. However, I can’t type a % sign in this field, so I’ll use the decimal value. In my scenario, I want to test for a Value Of 66.7%. Underneath, you’ll see a To: line with three radio buttons. In earlier versions of Solver, Excel called this field the target cell. Once you click in the field, click your desired Excel cell, and it will carry over as an absolute reference with the $ anchors. Pin Mapping cell values to Solver parameters I can take these cell references and use them in the Solver Parameters dialog as shown below. Other constraint types might include integers or minimum values. No stuffing the ballot box with additional YES votes. In our case, the TOTAL vote count has to stay the same. Your spreadsheet can have more than one constraint. As the name suggests, it limits the solution to certain criteria. Constraint – This is an optional but important cell. In this case, you can hold down your CTRL key and click or separate the cells by a comma. However, you might have a problem where your variables are not next to each other.

The current values are from the election results. The Solver will run through its calculations by adjusting the YES/NO counts until it finds the optimal solution.

It can be a range of cells or nonadjacent cells. Variable – This can be one or more cells that Solver will change to achieve the desired objective. I want to change this value to the required winning percentage. Objective – This is a single cell on the active sheet representing my goal. I find adding the color helps me later when I enter variables and values into the Solver Parameters dialog. I’ve added background color and callouts to my example. To solve this problem, you need to define certain cell types. With this enhanced functionality, I can ask Excel Solver to tell me how the YES/NO vote count needed to change to win an election while not altering the total vote count. If you recall my Goal Seek article, my total vote count number increased. The main advantage is Solver allows you to work with variables and constraints to find an optimal solution. Solver is an optional Microsoft Excel add-in designed to do more complex “what-if” calculations using different solving methods.